when it comes to camera. i prefer samsung why, because its easy and it takes a very good pictures. i like the color and resolution. the color seems real not fading not blurry. i never had a hardtime using samsung. my first camera was samsung digimax 4 megapixel my husband gave it to me. i took alot of pictures here there and everywhere! im photoholic person i just love pictures but i dont have the money to spend to much to get a professional camera. my second camera is Samsung S73 7.2-Megapixel Digital got it in circuit city for $99 im happy and i trust it with any special events. so when my hubby asked what kind of cellphone i want i picked samsung again so far the pictures works so great. i cant complain.
for friends and family thank you for visiting my page! i know you want us to be pregnant but were not yet :) its priceless to hear this message as well as the chance to APRIL FOOL YAH!
andrew and i were looking for home phone for quite sometime. we saw those old expensive ones and decided to wait. we dont need it right away anyway. we got cellphones so we dont feel its necessary. so when i was surfing last sunday for some random sites. and using google product you will be able to compare prices of different store for a particular product. i come across free phone from cicuit city. it cost $15 but FREE after mail in rebate. then we looked again for vacuum cleaner since ate lynnette gave us money as a wedding gift. using google map again i google vacuum cleaners and it appears the prices from target $49, sears $49, buy.com $38 , etc.. the lowest one was from circuit city for $26 same brand and same model .. yohoo.. then if you shop for more than $40 the delivery is FREE! online shop phone: $15 - FREE after mail in rebate Vacuum cleaner $26 ---------TOTAL-$41 DELIVERY-----FREEE