Its my 6th day working this week. Im not complaining just this allergies keep pestering me. We havent gone anywhere for our 10 years anniversary instead i was doing laundry (cause its been awhile since i washed our bedsheets) hey! no judging! hehe. So anyways i went to out local laundrymat because i had to was the comforters too. And i cooked too! oh really what the heck? why was i cooking during weekends? Weekend should be NO-COOKING-DAY!

Randon thoughts:
(I Should really post about #twininfanttravels #twininfantoninternationalflight

So we took the twins to Philippines last year and they were 11 months old and it was great. There were bumps along the way but it wasnt about the twins. It was more like getting into a wrong terminal! Anyways, traveling is stressful much more traveling with infant TWINS. 

Did you know that you can bring baby water more than 3 oz. 

YES, you can! Our trip is 24 hours so i calculated their feedings around 3 of 8 0z bottles. I designated 1 carry on tote bag for their food and bottles. I had 8 bottles all filled with 8 oz of water during inspection you have to let security the duration of your flight (they dont ask) i just let them know. i had fruit pouches and baby food. We didn't have any problem and we had 3 flights one way to get to our destination. I didnt bring any juices since they offer it on board and its less liquid i have to bring. 

Bassinet Info: 

How to get it? Call ahead of time its a first-come first-serve basis. We purchase our ticket 4 months ahead of time and i called the airlines maybe 2 months before we traveled. So if you have connecting flights you have to call each airline to reserve bassinet. Like our trip was Chicago via United Airlines call United then Japan ANA - Manila call ANA. I didnt call for Manila to Cebu since that's only 1 hour flight.


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