
okey i saw my adsense ad. today! wow. thats nice. i though id never get that ad thing to work but it did.

i was experimenting and exploring with our old rugged air bed. andrew and i bought this air bed at salvation army. we know the fact that it might not work but we still bought it. so on our first night that we used the air i woke up 4 times in the middle of the night because the bed is deflated and i feel my body submerging. i woke up in a very weird position. so we decided to quit using it until we find the problem. and it took me mos before i made an effort to locate whats the problem. and today i submergeour airbed in the tub i didnt find the holes and i just wet the entire bed. ahh so i decided to deflate the air and took it in our kitchen. then inflate it again. this time i heard a ssshhhhhhhhh sounds.. ahhh to tiny shhh'sss i found one that leads to another then another! ohh my there are too many holes in the bed. its just another money down the drain :( i want to call coleman who is the manufacturer of this bed and ask them what i can do with this problem.



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