our car crash in new year

we visited our cousin in maryland for the weekend and visited friends in new jersey on monday and spend new years eve in New york. on our way home i drove from allentown , PA bypassing 467 to I-80 W heading chicago. after 5 hours andrew took over because the snow is getting worst. 1 hour after he took over the snow was getting so bad. he tried to pass the truck on the right in front of him because it was spitting on us. when he moved to the left the road was deceivingly dry then we started skidding and hitting the ramp. andrew tried to stirred to the right and our car started spinning 360 twice on the highway. its a pretty busy highway
and i am so thankful that no one behind us. ahh poor andrew he had to drove 50 mph for 10 hours..

aside from a broken bumper and bursted tire we are miraculously okey.

and on our way there we pass 3 accidents in PA , 6 in Ohio turnpike and entering indiana there was warning that all lanes at toll road is close because of car crash. we asked at service center how was the crash and they told us that there was a lady that was stuck in the car and had to amputate her legs and the police were searching for baby that was thrown out in the car.

this is the news today about the accident in indiana ..there was no baby mentioned but its sad that someone was hurt and killed.. please pray for family that will have strength on this tragic accident.

[quote]Two college students die in Indiana Toll Road van crash
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ORLAND, Ind. — A van carrying students from Bowling Green State University in Ohio overturned on the Indiana Toll Road early Wednesday morning, killing two people.

Indiana State Police Cpl. Derek Fisher said there were six people in the rental van, which rolled over and stopped in the median of the toll road, ejecting two occupants.


“At the time of the crash, the roads were snow covered,” Fisher said, but he could not say if the weather contributed to the crash.

One person was pronounced dead at the scene. Another person was pronounced dead after being taken to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne. Two other people suffered minor injuries.

The crash occurred about midnight as the van was traveling east near Orland, about 45 miles north of Fort Wayne. The van rolled several times and landed on its roof.

Orland Fire Department Public Information Officer Kim Norton said crews used a winch to roll the van upright and found one of the victims underneath the vehicle.

The second victim was struck by another vehicle in the westbound lanes, Fisher said.
The Indiana Toll Road was closed in both directions as emergency crews responded to the crash, but has since reopened.

State Police reported that the toll road was snow covered from the Illinois line to the Ohio line Wednesday morning. The National Weather Service said over 19 inches of snow fell in Elkhart as of 10 p.m. Tuesday.[/quote]

link http://www.thestarpress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080102/NEWS06/80102008


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